Bill Marvin intro - Big Dogs -- please read as written

The foodservice market is growing . . . and so is the number of restaurants competing for the dining dollar. The race is on and now you are running with the big dogs.

There will certainly be winners and losers in this contest, but the little guy doesn't always have to throw in the towel.

Independent operators can take on the chains and beat them at their own game . . . provided they know how to play! Our speaker today can help us understand how to do just that.

He is an adventurer. (pause)

He is an experienced foodservice operator who works with good restaurants that want to be great and with managers who want to get their lives back.

He is also a prolific author and I'm pleased to announce that we have arranged for you to receive a generous discount on several of his books today.

His insights into the hospitality industry offer a refreshing change of perspective that can benefit us all.

Please join me in welcoming The Restaurant Doctor, Mr. Bill Marvin.