The Daily Diary of a Wandering Restaurateur
Out and About

The first task of the day today was to scrape the ice off the windshield. Since the rental company thoughtfully omitted a scraper, I had to make due with the edge of a credit card. The road to Autun was surreal. Everything was covered in frozen fog, giving the feeling of it being snow ... but it wasn't.

In a reverse of what we experienced going to Semur, we suddenly drove OUT of the fog and into a sunny sky. We drove past what passed for a street market today (three stalls selling coats!) and kept going. Here is a photo of one of the two remaining Roman gates ... along with an old building across the street that just looked cool. It looks like there might be a real story attached to it, like what was the low doorway (long ago walled over) originally for? I wonder about these things.

This church in the town of Curgy was built in the 11th century. That makes it about 1000 years old! The cemetary was also interesting, with stones from present day to ... who knows? The carved lettering has weathered off the oldest ones.

A little farther down the road we came to Chateau Sully, not as grand as some of the Loire Valley chateaus, but an impressive spread nonetheless. Of course the building is not open for tours in the winter, so a more detailed report will have to wait for another trip.

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