The Daily Diary of a Wandering Restaurateur

For your viewing pleasure today I offer some random shots taken around La Charite today, mostly in the rain.

The half-timbered house belongs to Byron and Kelly. The whole town used to look like this until a big fire in the 1500's wiped most of it out. The brasserie building looks like it has been there forever. Pity that the brasserie itself is closed at the moment. The third shot is around the corner from us. Byron tells me the little triangular-looking building right on the corner actually extends back quite a way, has perhaps 3000 square feet and can be purchased for around $10,000 right now! You are basically just buying the walls, but he reckons you could fit out most of the interior for $150-200K. Hmmm. Finally, a touch of the Christmas lights in front of the city hall. 'Tis the season.

The town's skyline is dominated by the Priory (Prieure de La Charite-sur-Loire) complex. Many of the original ramparts from the old city wall are still intact around the Prieure. Behind these fortifications, La Charite successfully held off an attack by Joan of Arc and her army back in 1429! Lots of history here.

The Pont de Pierre connects the town to the Ile du Faubourg, an island in the middle of the Loire. The crossing continues on to the other side of the river, making this one of the infrequent places to get across the waters. In case the question comes up, the bridge was built in 1520.

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