The Daily Diary of a Wandering Restaurateur
May 7 - Hangin' Out in Hangzhou

I figured I should at least show you the hotel. Even though this shot makes it look more like a casino than one of only three five-star hotels in the city. The lobby bar was the oasis of choice on more than one hot afternoon. Margene liked the wall of Buddhas and is trying to figure out how to re-design our house to install something similar. They used a variation of the beaded curtain idea I noticed in Shanghai, except they used a metal mesh like you would see on a fireplace screen. Without it, the window seats would have been much less desireable ... and the glare from the windows would have been uncomfortable in the rest of the room.

Even though it cooled off nicely after the sun went down, I think we were just too wrung out from the days heat to be interested in a heavy meal. So we walked a couple of blocks to a Hong Kong style restaurant that Marv and Miao had adopted for breakfast. The food was good, the beer was cold and dinner for four of us (with beer) ran about $7 a head. What's not to like about that?

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