The daily diary of a wandering restaurateur Down Under
October 27 - Sydney

Billy the Pigs Pub, located in the Bondi Junction Hotel. The shot on the right is of the downstairs bar. I kick myself that I did not bet a picture of their Internet stations where folks can surf the 'Net. There is also an upstairs bar and a separate gaming room (gambling machines are legal in Australia). Billy's is not a fancy place, but manages to take better than its fair share of the market by being more fun and distinctively different from its competition. In the coming months, I will wheedle a few marketing gems from Max and pass them along in my Electronic House Call newsletter.

Billy the Pigs Pub, Bondi Junction Billy the Pigs Pub, Bondi Junction

One of the things I have always liked about Billy's is the way they acknowledge their regulars by painting them into one of the several murals on the wall. What are you doing to recognize your regular guests?

Billy the Pigs Guest Wall Max Hitchins

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created 10/27/98