The Daily Diary of a Wandering Restaurateur
April 25 - Hanging Out at Gudiolo

Sometimes you want to do a lot and see a lot. Sometimes you don't. I think the key to mental health may be the ability to make the choice ... and then be able to follow through on it.

Today nobody really felt like seeing or doing anything more strenuous than reading in the sun ... so we didn't! It was really quite a luxury to have a whole day to do nothing and feel OK about that. All too often I think trips become another project, particularly for Americans. Go, go, go.

Gandhi once said, "There is more to life than just speeding up its pace."

So we kicked back and just enjoyed being on our Italian hilltop. In the evening, though, we did rally long enough to drive into Umbertide for pizza. All in all, a very civilized day!

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