The Daily Diary of a Wandering Restaurateur
May 3 - Around the Cote d'Azur

Today we just wandered all over the place, burning up fossil fuel. Very American.

The first stop was at the antiques market just to see what they had. We met a couple of the vendors at the restaurant last night and they gave us a free pass to get in. Very interesting stuff ... but a little tough to get home.

The old center is always the most interesting part of town and it is certainly true in Antibes on the Riviera coast.

The city is oriented toward the water. No surprise there. There are thousands of boats. These are just the small ones. Rising behind the marina is an old fort, just a reminder that the area did not always enjoy the lifestyle of the rich & famous.

Two of the many hill towns around where we are staying. The first is the little town of Mons, perched way in the middle of nowhere. The second is Callian, a bit closer in. We didn't wander around, just drove through and kept going.

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