The Daily Diary of a Wandering Restaurateur
February 1 - Ranthambahore Bagh

We are staying at the tastefully rustic Rathambhore Bagh. The accommodations include some rather utilitarian rooms in the main building and an array of luxury tents. Interestingly, the tents are more expensive. They are air-conditioned with full baths ... but as cold as it has been at night, I am glad we stayed inside.

It may be cool in the evening but not cool enough to move the evening meal indoors. So we sit under the trees and eat quite well from a fixed buffet of local dishes. There is even entertainment of a sort -- a family affair where dad plays a strange musical instrument, mom sings and daughter dances (rather woodenly), joined from time to time by Margene!

I may have mentioned that bread in India is always baked to order. Want some naan? The cook pats out a dough ball by hand, places in on a pad of some sort and slaps it on the side of the tandoor oven. 60 seconds later ... hot bread!

And then there was Fraser Simpson, erstwhile young lawyer from London whose passion is photographing big cats. After several excursions to Africa he was making his first foray to India and had some incredible shots. He has been going out twice a day since he arrived and is only four for ten ... but those pictures are amazing. He has promised to send me some when he gets back to the UK. Even if we had been lucky enough to be in the same jeep with him, there is no way our little pocket cameras could equal what he is able to shoot with a professional quality camera and long lenses.

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