The daily diary of a wandering restaurateur In Italy
July 21 - Rome

Pizzeria near the Forum

Under the vines at a little restaurant across from the Forum. A wonderful respite from the heat!

Da Giovanni ar Galleto Da Giovanni ar Galleto

Dinner was at a lovely little spot in a corner of the Piazza Fenesse. Despite the Vespas coming and going down the alley, it was quiet . . . at least until 9pm when things really started to get busy. I forget how late people eat in Europe. Many restaurants, in fact, don't even open until 7:30 or so.

Carving proscuitto Eric the ham

Proscuitto is an artform. Here one of the restaurant staff carves it in a specially-designed frame that holds the ham in the proper position. Eric, a chef himself, also had a go at it. (Notice how closely his technique is being studied!)

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