The daily diary of a wandering restaurateur
May 13 - Odds and Ends in Umbria

Juan Carlos, finally triumphant in the battle against calcium build-up in the shower pipes! I have never seen him when he wasn't smiling like this.

What do the old folks do at the end of a week in Italy?

A couple of the brave pizzas that sacrificed themselves for our lunch today. The one on the left is quattro stagione (4 toppings), in this case artichoke, hard-cooked egg, mushrooms ... and one that I missed. The one on the right is spicy salame, the closest thing you find to pepperoni over here. These were also the first pizzas I have ever had in Italy that came to the table cut. Normally you have to do that yourself with a table knife -- not always an easy task. The black "knobs" are burned bubbles of crust. We are talking a seriously hot oven here.

Sandra comes through again, this time with cheese empanadas (she and Juan Carlos are originally from Spain), a pasta carbonara, canelloni, veal scallopini with lemon sauce and fresh green beans. She also had fresh fruit for dessert ... but in a unusual burst of sanity, we opted to save it for breakfast!


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