The daily diary of a wandering restaurateur
May 26 - Melk

Circus Belly

Welcome to Circus Belly, a traveling one-tent, one-ring circus. We counted a total of seven people involved. Mom, Dad and their two girls, another woman outside (probably an animal handler) and two guys who hustled props in and out of the ring. Even if they were ALL family, it looks hard to make the numbers work out, let alone compensate for the perpetual packing, transport and unpacking.

Food at the circus Margene and the camels

If you go to the circus, you must have cotton candy, popcorn, pretzels and the like so one of the family is there to see that you don't go away hungry . . . or with too much spare change! On the right, Margene with some new friends. There were 6-8 camels in an enclosure outside the tent (also llamas, rabbits and some other critters) but they were not part of the show. We couldn't quite figure out why they would haul around so many extra mouths to feed, particularly since the tent might have held 200 people tops at an average of perhaps $5 each! With two shows on Saturday and one on Sunday, the economics escape me . . . but then, my "getting it" is not required!

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