The Daily Diary of a Wandering Restaurateur
Worlds's End Pub and (Part of) The Royal Mile

The Worlds End Pub proves the value of having a good story ... and TELLING IT! The pub is located about where the old dividing wall was between Edinburgh and Canongate. The place itself claims to have been here since 1719. Given the attentive service and excellent meal we had, they may be around for another 390 years! (PS: haggis is actually quite good!)

A few shots of the upper end of The Royal Mile. A narrow alleyway called a "close" leads back to inner courtyards. The front part of a lot (along the street) was devoted to commerce while the more residential (and perhaps nefarious) pursuits took place in the interior. Once we hit World's End, it was the end of the Edinburgh world for us. We headed back to the hotel for a few hours with a book and several more in a horizontal position. Ah well, there is always tomorrow ...

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