The Daily Diary of a Wandering Restaurateur
May 21 - A Room With a View

The Attalos Hotel won't win any awards for an impressive entry, spacious lobby or fancy elevators, but few hotels we saw in Athens would. The Attalos is well-located and less than a third of the price of alternative lodging ... and the view from our balcony wasn't too bad either! While the girls headed out for a bit of last-minute shopping, I got caught up on the last few days of the daily diary. This is a labor of love, I suppose, because I can't tell you how many people actually log on to read it ... but it does give me a way to refresh my memory on places visited and insights gained, years after the trip is over.

In Santorini, the day ends with the sunset. In Athens, the day ends when the Acropolis lights come on. The lights on the cliff start out green and gradually brighten as the bulbs heat up. The roof garden bar at the hotel is a terrific place to watch this nightly light show ... and it is an easy commute!

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